idea for a new graphic novel

Hello out there! I have to tell you about my new project that I want to work on, when I have time again.

Some of you know, that I once wanted to create a comic. I had written a script for it and created some illustrations. But unfortunately the realization failed. I spent many years with the story. The story was too long and not clear enough. It was far too ambitious for a hobby artist. I was good at storytelling, but drawing stories is another matter.

After a few announcements, I had the feeling that it was going to be a laughing stock and I was very frustrated.

Now I have an idea for a new graphic novel. I’ve had this idea floating around for a few years now.

But I’m afraid that it will ruin my life again. This time I want to do it differently. I’m going to reveal the script this time as it would just gather dust in my drawer.

I’m also trying to keep it simple and short. I’m going to accept that I’m better at writing some things than I am at drawing. So think of it more as a literary project, possibly with illustrations and a concept for a computer game.

I thought about doing it as a kind of sequel to my previous script. And to revive some characters and elements.

For example, “tea” will also play an important role. Drinking tea as a sign of serenity and sovereignty. An antique teapot as a symbol of tradition. (…)

Maybe I can find a few people who would like to help me with this. Unfortunately, I am not a professional manga artist, but only a semi-good illustrator.


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