hints and traps – spoiler

In the following, I would like to tell you about my new project called “hints and traps”. I’ve had the idea for a while, but the story isn’t quite finished yet.

Attention, this is a spoiler! So if you want to be surprised, then ignore the following paragraphs.

The title of the story is “Hints and Traps” and is an idea for a graphic novel or computer game. I like the title because it can be adapted to life.

The default main character is an owl. But I’m thinking about other characters that you can choose.
The character design is adapted from medieval depictions of the pilgrim owl and based on Hieronymus Bosch’s fondness for owls.
The owl carries a pilgrim’s shell as a trophy for the shell skills. The award for perseverance and for knowing your way around.
There is an old saying that owls were a symbol of deception – as they were used as decoys to lure a mother bird out of the nest, only to capture it. The deceptive element is related to the artistic reproductions by Hieronymus Bosch or however you interpret it.

The rickety and nasty mouse traps are an important stylistic element in the story. As the owl also feeds on mice, the mousetraps are also useful for it. I have already created a graphic in which a computer mouse triggers a trap with a click.

Signs show you the way. But what if someone manipulates them with malicious intent to lead you astray?

Another element is the tree of wisdom (binary tree). The tree represents the system with all its branches. Could also be a good opportunity to insert some git allusions. Maybe I should push that.

The setting takes place in the forest. There are many designated signs, but also traps.
There are various missions and side quests. Depending on which side you are on, your task is to collect data from others in order to profit from it or to protect your secrets. Either you leave traps or make hints.

There are a few important stores and facilities to equip yourself with hardware or acquire knowledge. You can form alliances or go it alone.

I was thinking of writing it as a sort of sequel to my previous script. And reviving some characters and elements.

I’ll tell you more about it another time and present a few drafts.

Tell me what you think about it. What do you think of the idea, is it all very confusing or does it make sense?


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