Category: Daily

  • old artwork

    I don’t like showing my old work because I’m not happy with it. I would also like to start a new chapter and not rest on my laurels. Nevertheless, it would be a shame as I’ve also put a lot of time into it. Perhaps I will show a few selected pictures in an archive.

  • at my desk



    Being me. I’m a student who is broke but still tries to be classy. I hate my life, but somehow I can also laugh about it. I try not to think so much about what went wrong. I spend most of my time staring at a laptop or monitor that is mesmerizing me. I often…

  • late evening tea

    It’s 11 o’clock at night. I’m sitting here with a cup of green tea. I’m typing these lines on the illuminated keyboard. The light is dimmed. The window is open. Cool air streams in. Outside, you can see illuminated streets in the middle of deep black. Remnants of the Gründerzeit. Some of the windows glow…

  • Take a walk

    So… the most important thing in life is to keep moving. Both physically and mentally. I go for a walk in the park.