Tag: command-line
ascii art
I created via command-line with jp2a an ascii art of an origami polarfox ❯ jp2a –width=60 polarfox4.jpg –invert ,d. :l;d. .cl,''o. dc' 'cc'''''o' kxkl, ;l;'''''''l, .kdddkxoc:::::co,'l, .Oddxd .c0o:l; .lOd0. .:llokk0; .:; .Od..;:cc,'''''c: :; 'Kkxxx'''''''':: ::. 'OddO:''''''':c ;:. ,Odd0''''''';l ,c. ,Odkd'''''';l ox ,Od0;''''';o ck0. ;Odk''''',d ;kdO; :kOl'''',d 'Odddx :k0,''''d .Odddd0. cOx''''d .Odddkxo;,,,. lK:'''d kxko;. .,,,,;,. lK'''x…
Alternative guide – encrypt mail
Using GnuPG (GPG) in the terminal to send and receive messages and encrypted files involves several steps. Here is a basic guide to help you get started. Make sure you have GnuPG installed on your system. You can check by running: gpg –version If it’s not installed, you can install it using your package manager.…
email encryption part 2
Last time, we exported our public key. As my key expired I created a new pair. Now, we will list our secrets key, where we can see our key ID. We remember, it’s the last 8 characters of the string. Note: You should never publish your private key! It’s top secret! – I’m just doing…
e-mail encryption – Part I
In the crypto scene there’s a lack of an easy tutorial for email encryption. I thought as I would dedicate myself it, as I am using encryption tools for a long time and have witnessed the development of messengers. I have an idea for an application called ‘Pretty Nice Privacy’, with a user interface –…